AA Electric


No accidents for last 10 years.

We have an outstanding safety record both at our shop and on location. Safety considerations and safety credentialing are an area of constant focus for us. In addition to our own, in-house education and training, we take our employees to Canada & Associates, safety specialists, for training and certifications there.

Engineer holding yellow helmet with Transmission tower.

We are ISNetWorld Compliant


ISN is a global leader for connecting organizations with safe, reliable contractors and suppliers from capital-intensive and public sector industries. Find them at isn.com. ISN provides an online contractor management platform, ISNetworld, to help organizations manage internal and governmental compliance requirements. Contractors and suppliers submit health, safety, quality, risk and regulatory information as requested by hiring clients. Once collected, ISN’s Review and Verification Services (RAVS) team reviews the information to assess the accuracy, relevance and timeliness of the data. Using this information, hiring clients connect with contractors and suppliers in ISNetworld that meet their qualification requirements.